Death in Space - Alien setting << STRESS RULES >>


    In order to simulate an Alien setting game with Death in Space rules, ignore the Void Points Rule on Death in Space core rule book on page 38. Instead use the following rules for stress.

  • Each time a player fails an ability check, he/she gains 1 Adrenaline Point (AP).
  • At any time a player can only have a maximum of 4 Adrenaline Points.
  • Players can use Adrenaline Points at any time to gain advantage on a roll.
  • When a roll specifically for Stress fails (SVY Check), the player will have to make a roll on the "Panic Table".
  • Rolling on the Panic Table will trigger an "episode", so the player has to roll a d20 and add a negative modifier  (the negative number of AP he/she has stored) to the final result. No AP points can be used at this point to gain advantage, deal with it!
    This "Stress Rules" will emulate the growing anxiety with the events of failing on tasks (ability checks) that are vital to your character survival, this will trigger a sharp response were you feel more focused and the need to make an extra effort to succeed (hence you gain advantage). Although one has limits and situations may present to be too much for a person to handle, there are even "things" that exist which the human mind is not prepared to process... When this happens (failing the SVY Check), you loose it and have to deal with a "Panic Episode".

01- Can take no more, kill yourself immediately! Find a way to do it now...
02- Falling catatonic, can't talk or move, just staring into oblivion. You will never come back...
03- Falling catatonic, can't talk or move, just staring into oblivion. You can still be saved!
04- Berserk! Attack the nearest person or creature, friendly or not! Don't stop until it's dead.
05- Flee without looking back until finding a safe place, or die trying.
06- Freeze, fear prevents actions over the next round, get disadvantage until safety.
07- Shocked! Lose knowledge to operate technology, -2 Tech. A permanent condition!
08- The brain can't process what happened, -2 to Savvy. A permanent condition!
09- Tremble uncontrollably, -2 to Dexterity. A permanent condition!
10- Feeling sick, spend one round vomiting and get -2 Body, until safety.
11- Scream! For one round, attracting whatever friendly or foe entities lurking...
12- A nervous twitch, -1 to Dexterity. A permanent condition!
13- Tremble uncontrollably, -2 to Dexterity. A temporary condition, will recover when in safety.
14- Nervous twitch, -1 to Dexterity. A temporary condition, will recover when in safety.
15- You keep it together and push through without breaking down!
16- You keep it together and push through without breaking down!
17- You keep it together and push through without breaking down!
18- You keep it together and push through without breaking down!
19- You keep it together and push through without breaking down!
20- You keep it together and push through without breaking down!
by Blamp666

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